Arlette Anfield Counselling Brentwood and Hornchurch

British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) – one of the UK’s two key accrediting bodies. They have a list of member counsellors and psychotherapists and if you contact them, they can help you find an appropriate model of therapy and suitable therapist.

The Counselling Directory – a user friendly listing of counsellors and psychotherapists by region.

Samaritans (telephone lines are open 24/7). Their contact number is 08457 90 90 90
Child helpline

Anxiety and Panic - Help, information for all sorts of anxiety from panic attacks to phobias.

Depression - Help, information and advice for those suffering with depression

Young People - Help and support for young people and those who live/work with them

Mind - Provide a wide range of information, leaflets and web advice for emotional difficulties.

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